PDMRG - Market Research and Consulting Proven success – Pitiusa Design Market Research Group
  • research@pdmrg.net

Proven success

Always on!

++ 1–24 hours RFP turnaround for fast decision-making process
++ Project timing optimization: prompt launch after project setup, and short turnaround for data delivery
++ Special attention to cultural differences, considering inherent culture-specific methodologies

We are eager for studies on topics we have not seen, using methodologies that may not be quite the norm, finding respondents who represent changes in client needs, etc. If we learn something once, we may be able to share it ten times over. So, we try to stay in front of the research so that our experience can always meet your needs.

Proven success on the toughest International Market Research Projects:

++ I am really impressed with your continued effort on our behalf! Amazing that we’ve managed this. I know how hard this has been.

Research Director (Apple – Europe – N=5.000 F2F Interviews in Apple Stores)

++ I wanted to thank you for the way you’ve managed every aspect of the project. It’s all gone well. The client is very happy. It wouldn’t have been possible to do this without you being totally on top of the process.

Consultant (Chase Bank – USA – N=2.000 Customer Satisfaction Telephone Interviews)

++ The work you have done is excellent and above my expectations, so big pats on the back. I wanted you to know I’m happy!

Strategic Consultancy Director (Takeda – Japan – N=200 Telephone Interviews with Pharmacists, Anesthesiologists, Nurses, and Purchasing Agents in Hospitals)

PDMRG is your One-Stop Shop Partner for Innovative Research & Fieldwork Worldwide!

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